
Over the years, I have received thousands of letters and emails for the information I have shared via this website. Below are just some samples of my testimonials, which I affectionately call “love letters”…

“We live in a world of theophanies. Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb. Life wants to lead you from crumbs to angels, but this can happen only if you are willing to unwrap the ordinary by staying with it long enough to harvest its treasure.”
— Macrina Wiederkehr

And Kytka you are one of those angels!!! You are a power house shaker, you are truly an inspiration to all of us….you never cease to amaze me with all your talents, skills,energy, and above all LOVE for what you do and you do so much with such passion!!! I follow in your steps as often as the shoe fits…and in your case those are some great shoes!!!..much love to you always ….

“Different Ripples on the Universal Ocean of Innocence
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Thank you Kytka, for all you give. My heart leaped for joy when I first found your site.. It was as if you were talking to me alone. I was at the end of my wits wondering if I was doing the right thing by educating my 4 at home, my way, only to find out I had been letting others influence me to do what they wanted and not what I knew was truly right in my heart. You’ve helped keep my dream going by inspiring me not to give up and mostly. to RELAX. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. May love and light lift you up so that you may continue to give of your heart. -Tammy

What a blessing to hear the voice of truth. As I read your response, my heart swelled with gratitude. Yes, I will follow my intuition and will have a more provocative ear when I seek advice or counseling in the most important decisions concerning my family. My son ( 4 ) and I have visited the Portland Waldorf school on several occasions for puppet shows etc. and I will never forget what he said to me as we entered the school building….” Mom, I want to go to this school, it’s my choice!!!!” Thus, I sought out the advice of this teacher because of his excitement. He is a very sensitive, and happy boy and I know my decision to home school initially will be the right choice for him. Thanks for your thoughtful response! – Lorraine

Your site is wonderful, and has changed so much. I recently came back to look at WISH and was so pleasantly surprised at the update. Please keep it up and keep adding. . .I am a Waldorf home schooling mom of 3. We are a former Waldorf school family, and your site helps us so much! Thank-you for all the wonderful information and resources. It’s nice to have some footwork done for me. I am a single working mother, and my home schooling time is a lot less than most. . .having a lot of the research done for me is such a HUGE help. Thank-you!-Melissa Cassara

I have recently found your website and wanted to take the time to thank you, thank you, thank you for addressing the needs of parents who love Waldorf ideas but who want to employ them in a home setting. I have turned your site into our home page and have forwarded it to a friend who is also interested in Waldorf. Most of your links work and your curricula overviews are just what I’ve been looking for. I have also read many of the articles and joined the discussion group and finally I feel like I’m on the right track. So much reassurance! Your idea for this site is truly God-inspired and I hope you’ll continue with it for many years to come. Sincerely, -Marjorie

By your work I am gladly amazed evermore! It is a great idea to share not only knowledge but the actual fruits of knowledge! It is easy to become remote from physical needs and for this, our hard struggle in supporting our work with Waldorf education and anthroposophy. I am a Eurythmist who returned to Hong Kong for this work after over 30 years in Europe, mostly in Germany. With best thoughts I send this letter. -Ghamin Siu, Director, Waldorf School Foundation, Hong Kong

Dearest Kytka, Our playgroup finds your site invaluable! Thank you for being such a great resource! -Audrey

Kytka, I have been spending all my internet time at your site. If I had to only pick one web site to surf it would be yours. You have done a great job! – Carey

Love the look, love the site. It’s become my sole resource for Waldorf home schooling info and I’ve passed it along to others. This is the first bookmark on my list! -Marjorie

This is the most inspiring website I’ve seen- it even tops my first intro to natural parenting, Mango Mama. (I love that one still!!!) Your hard work is sooooo appreciated. Thank you.- Jolene Cook

I want to let you know how much I enjoy your site! But to call it a home schooling site seems so limiting! I recommend your site to parents at Waldorf Schools too. Thanks so much! -Trisha

Dear Kytka, I just wanted to compliment you on the thoroughness, usefulness, and quality of your website. I have found it by far the most helpful and interesting of all the Waldorf websites I’ve looked at and visit it several times a week- seems I could go on for many months finding out new things! So many other websites are badly presented or lead to dead ends, but yours is great to use, an invaluable resource, even out here in Australia. You are obviously dedicated to your ideals and that is something to be greatly admired! Thanks for all the ideas and inspirations. Sincerely -Melanie

Dearest Kytka, Thank you for your intelligent, informative, inspirational site! I am so grateful for all of the information. You make it accessible to all of us. (I love the format of your site). Inspiring and educating are the two things we can all contribute to the betterment of the world. And by golly you’ve done both in abundance, bravo! Yours, -Melissa

Yours was one of the first Waldorf Home school sites I visited regularly when I was first starting out. I believe you might have owned Hedgehog Farms at that point. In any event, I was living in Italy at the time and while there was much information to be found locally concerning Waldorf education, there was not much about home schooling. Thank you (years delayed) for providing the support and inspiration I needed to follow what was in my heart.- Carmen

Your website is a wonderful resource, and your article on your life is sooo inspiring. I have walked a similar path, and continue to learn and grow each day. I think it is the most wonderful happenstance when I come across sites like yours, as they provide me with insight and, many times, renewed spirit in my journey to be the best parent that I can be. Thank you!-Beth

I just stumbled onto your website and I’m very glad I did discover this invaluable resource! What wonderful and insightful parenting advice you offer! I WILL be back again and again! – Mom to Geena

Dear Kytka, et al: I don’t have any questions (yet!). I just wanted to *thank you* with all my heart for providing such a beautiful and incredible resource online. I am planning on moving in with my boyfriend in a couple months, and he has a 4 year old son. I was racking my brain trying to figure out how I would learn more about the “alternative” techniques to education that I have been interested in for so long. I tried finding a book by Rudolf Steiner in the local large-chain bookstore, but it was a collection of lectures by Steiner and it did not offer me any real details about what sorts of “alternative” activities go on in the Waldorf setting. But thank you, thank you, thank you. I am really looking forward to fully immersing myself in your website, and hopefully in the Waldorf community. With a grateful heart, -Amber

Thank you so much for the 1st grade information – we are so excited! I looked at the website and I love it! -Rosa

I really find your site wonderful. I am still struggling with the confidence it takes a single parent to begin to research and consider home schooling from the preschool level. Your website is like a great warm hug and I always visit when I need a clear vision. You have done a fabulous job. We love you and all your hard work:) -Andrea and Selah

Dear Kytka, What an impressive lady you are, I’m inspired by all the good work that you have done and I am wanting to practice simple living myself. Thank You! Blessings -Joanne

Kytka, The newsletter looks great!! You have been busy haven’t you. I read many of the letters and emails from people who love your work. I am so proud of you!!! I really hope your Angel finds you and brings you some monetary compensation for all that you do. You really do deserve it. The website looks great!! I will call for angels for you as well!! -Kati

I love this site and have given this link out to at least twenty other people. They then gave it to twenty others. Your site is growing and growing. The reports back are positively wonderful!!! -Robin

Wow Kytka! You still remain my hero!! I have been on your list for a while now, just reading and learning, what a different environment from the other list. Yours is the only one I am on now, what a nice relaxing change! Thank you so much! -Melisa

I wanted to compliment your site! I am a military spouse and we are stationed at an US air base in Japan. DODDS schools here are wonderful with a full day Kindergarten curriculum (my oldest is in K), but I home school pre-school to my 4 and 2 yr olds. I happened upon your site since I had to approve it for the Nursing Moms web ring and it is a wonderful resource! -Beth

Your site is beautiful! I will be adding the link to all of my ez-boards including Waldorf Inspired Home schoolers and Gentle Beginnings. I am home schooling my son with Waldorf and will be back often. -Deborah Robbins

You are amazing! What a beautiful labor of love and devotion to your family and Waldorf education — and what a source of inspiration to those of us who feel the same way about family and education! I am so happy to call you one of my cyber-sisters! Aloha~ -Lee Roversi, North Country Farms, Hawaii

I have connected with WISH before, but have just checked out the new web site. How wonderful! It’s very easy to navigate and has lots of useful info. Thank you! I am sure I will visit it often and share it with other Waldorf home schoolers where we live (Boston area). We have been parents in a Waldorf school, but now home school our two children, ages 7 and 5. I am in the process of beginning an organization for Waldorf home schoolers here and invite anyone who lives in this area to contact me to learn more. Happy home schooling! -Brenda

Thank you! Thank you again for your inspiring works! Sincerely, -Ingrid

I am fairly new to this. I learned of Waldorf from the CWG books – truly life changing for me. What I did was basically read page after page on your site (which led to other life altering light bulb moments – Thanks Kytka!). I’m still learning and researching… Thank You! -Vicki

Hello Kytka, I am interested in two of the songbook/cd sets: “Sing a Song of Seasons” and “The Singing Baby”. We’ve loved the other two that I purchased from you some months ago. If you’d let me know the total with shipping and all that, I’ll get payment out to you right away. I just recently read your autobiography on the Waldorf Homeschoolers website, and wow, what a story! I was so impressed by your courage and resourcefulness. Your life is a very inspiring one. I also wish you and your family all the best with the Simple Sense Mission. Thank you & take care, -Kate

Hi Kytka –You seem to be such a positive, helpful, kind, and Good person… A couple of weeks ago, I was reflecting about my mothering, and my personal life, and I was thinking about how you seem to have done a lot of inner work and growing, and about how open and personal you are online…. and how I admired you… which made me think about someone very similar, whom I admire as well… Mango Mama … so, how surprising it was to see that you are her friend! I discovered her site a couple of years ago, and have read and reread it… and I do remember some of the negative stuff that she went through as well….. Well, I’m off to check your listing on ebay now. – Jill :-)

Hi, I love your site! My children have been in a Waldorf school for 4 years and we have decided to home school. I was really interested to see where I could get some basic curriculum guides for 1, 3, and kindergarten and I found YOUR site. You have provided me with inspiration, curriculum and even answered all of my questions. Thank you, for all the wonderful help you offer to home schoolers and parents. -Lisa

I also want to thank you too, Kytka. Not only for the wonderful Waldorf website (and all the hard work that you lovingly put into it), but also for permitting us the freedom to speak our minds, (kindly), on this list. I must admit that I was hesitant at first to post the horror story about Amina. So many other home school lists that I have been on only want you to post about reading and writing or what curriculum you are using; and the parenting lists discourage anything deemed too political. When I feel that all these issues ARE part of parenting, therefore home schooling as well. Actually it is all part of Life, and what kind of world our children are growing up in and how, and what, we are doing in raising our children. It is all intertwined, but you all know that, anyway, but I just felt that I had to get that off of my chest. Again, thank you for allowing us the freedom to discuss these issues, and thanks to Jennifer for posting the link to Amnesty International. Peace- Jennifer (Link to help Amina & Her Baby, click here)

I am thrilled, humbled and inspired. I have started home schooling my 6 year old son with a Waldorf curriculum. We are still getting comfortable with it and each other. Thank you for such a wonderful site. I really needed this to help me continue with what I have known all along is the right path. Wow! -Maria Corridon

WOW! WHAT A GREAT SITE! I *love* it! I am enjoying everything. Your graphics are precious, your articles helpful and well written, and your site is easy to navigate. I will recommend it to everyone! Plus your catalog is super! Great items and a good price. Everything I have ordered from you has been high quality and worth every dime. And my children love it all!!! Blessed be, -Jennifer aka Mango Mama

Thanks Kytka!!! You are always so helpful! I really appreciate the time you take to respond to posts and all the work you’ve done on your website. I have had such a treat reading all your Ask Kytka columns and just generally searching your site.. we especially enjoyed the comments on toys! Thanks again! -Joellen

Kytka, I have finally found you! I can’t believe it! Are you the same person that used to go to Three Cedars School in Bellevue, Washington? I am sure you are because I recognize your kids names and when I saw the raw food stuff I was sure! I used to live in Bellevue as well when my son was 0 to 1-1/2 years old and I heard about Waldorf and I got your catalog. I saw Nature’s First Law in your catalog and reading that book began my education of raw foods about 3.5 years ago. Well, I have been trying to be raw for those 3.5 years now and I am happy to say that I am now in the third week of 100% raw foods (which is the easiest way to stick with it). This is my all time record. I’ve only done it for two weeks before. I just came back from the Raw Food Festival in Oregon and it is easier this time. My son however, now 4, is pretty cooked and occasionally eats meat. He’s hyper and I haven’t been the best parent so he has lots of anger and acting out but basically a really wonderful boy who craves lots of attention good or bad. I unfortunately related to the story about the couple who came to look at your house. Fortunately I am getting tools and educating myself better to quit spoiling him and letting him rule the show. Also he is starting Waldorf preschool in three days here in Port Townsend, Washington. I am so happy to be a part of Waldorf again. Anyway, I feel I owe you a million thanks for putting that info on raw foods in your catalog. I tried to contact you later and they said you moved to Florida. I think you are absolutely wonderful and I admire you greatly and I will be utilizing your website to the max. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this website and all that you do. Sincerely, -Jessica

Best Waldorf site that I have found. Thank you very much. Great Job! -Kimberly

Hi Kytka, I am new to your web-site, so I never saw the old one, but I can tell you this-we put our son in public school last week (he turned five on the 2nd and has never been in pre-school) it was the most horrible experience ever. The first day she told me that he needed to be in special ed because he couldn’t follow directions like the other kids and she did not have the time for him-so already he’s been labeled and because his hair is longer the boys called him a little girl, needless to say we have not been back. My husband sent me your site and I began to cry while reading it-I have always loved the philosophy of Waldorf and was hoping that something would change financially for us (we have a daughter-15.5, three boys-5,2.5, and 15 mos.) and I stay at home with them so money is tight for us. We are vegetarians and very “different” from most of our “tribe” and often perceived as extreme or strange. After reading your site I feel like I’m not alone and that maybe there are other people out there who think like we do. I have a neighbor who has her 4 year old son enrolled in Waldorf and he is clearly not ready-he cries every day when she leaves him. She also, sends junk in his lunch, lets him watch t.v. etc…We have been guilty of the t.v. ourselves and I have turned it off-you know they don’t even ask for it!! However, I think the damage has been done-my boys ages 5 and 2.5 fight constantly-biting, pinching and hitting-mostly about sharing toys-any suggestions?? You are doing such a beautiful service-thank you so much> I just hope that I am up for this-there is so much information and I feel like I am getting such a late start with this-like maybe it’s too late and I won’t be able to change some of our negative habits. I also have concerns about the legal points of home-schooling-is there someplace to check that out? We are in Woodland Hills, California-San Fernando Valley. Also-how do you make ends meet-we spend every last dime and then some on our organic foods and products that are “responsible”-I cook mostly from scratch, buy in the bulk isle of Whole Foods Market, use cloth diapers and wipes, shop at garage sales and e-bay for things that we need-and still we are so behind in our bills-we have a lot of debt from when we were “materialistic”-my phone rings non-stop from creditors and we are in fore-closure on our sweet little cottage style home-South of Ventura Blvd-which is such a beautiful area for nature hikes-but I can’t leave my kids to get a job and help out-THAT IS NOT AN OPTION!!! I would welcome any “feedback” you may have as well. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for putting this information out in the world-I have sent it to a lot of my friends who are parents that think we are odd. The more I read about you the more I see myself-even my beautiful long haired sweet husband is much younger than I am!!! Thank you again and I wish much health and happiness for you and your sweet family. -Luka

I am just beginning to enter the wonderful world of Waldorf and your site has been most influential and helpful during this journey. Thank you for all you do for the global Waldorf community… -Bethany

Kytka – hugs! I just don’t even begin to know what to say. You have been so inspiring to me and I can’t even begin to tell you how much. I love your wisdom, insight and perspective. Keep in mind all the wonderful work you are doing and don’t lose sight of that. Don’t let the outside world get you down. When I am feeling like I have had enough of society I think how nice it would be to take my kids, dear husband and disappear. I am going through some of these kinds of things here with my old home school support group. I left and started my own group and am getting harassed for it. I just wish they would all leave me alone. Especially now. We just found out that I am pregnant! So I have just decided I can have absolutely no negative people in my life! My baby needs to be surrounded by peace and love and nothing else! -Carey

Dear Kytka, I am so happy that you are moving on to manifest that which moves your heart and soul so deeply! Sad that you will be unavailable for a searching, sometimes overwhelmed soul like myself-who is so happy that she has found your site for inspiration. And so happy to see someone else who has stepped out of the box and can be open minded about so many things. On the other hand, obviously the things that you will be doing are so beneficial to you, your family and so many others – I will be anxiously checking your sites for updates – who knows maybe I could actually contribute in some way!!! Cheers to you! -Charlene

Kytka – you are such a great benefit to all humanity.. I’ve loved your site and your responses to so many questions. You have helped me immeasurably on my home schooling and inner journey. Be blessed! -Jo

Kytka, Thank you! Your words made me feel stronger. To be told what I already feel just affirms my own beliefs and it is just nice to get support sometimes. I greatly appreciate that you took the time to “speak” with me and reach out to another mama. I will keep your letter for those times that I may need inspiration I do not want to step in line with the crowd and feel revived to hold fast to my own self! Thank you Kytka. You have helped me a lot. Have a blessed day! – Liz

Kytka, I am sorry that you have gotten so much BS for being such a giving , honest, open person. I will miss your responses, and I am sad that you will probably join the ranks of those who we must pay for services, although I clearly understand why you need to. I am sad because I probably will not be able to afford it! I was on the MM board when it all fell apart ,and reading the accusations and judgments passed upon her by others who had formerly appeared so open minded, loving and non-judgmental was awful. Although I will miss you and the wealth of information you have to offer, it might just be a blessing in disguise, as we all spend too much time theorizing and discussing and not as much doing and living. Peace be with you! – Kelly

Hello, I first wanted to thank you for all your extensive work you put into this site. It is a wonderful resource for people to have. I am new to the Waldorf idea and have been enjoying learning all about it. I will admit it is intimidating as there is so much to discover and adapt into our lives. -Liz

Dear Kytka, Many of us have found your work a Michaelic impulse shining bright! There are however many of us who do not realize that we ourselves are doing spiritual stealing in different forms, taking spiritual knowledge for personal gains without paying for it through the efforts of inner work and sharing! Going into the extent of attacking the work of Light in order to protect personal interests, is surely in the service another spirit. How often are we not aware of which Lord we serve and to which Lord we pray! At this time of age when dark forces are strongly trying, we will have to learn to protect the light within us. A picture of St. Michael has been my constant reminder: Though His lance pierces into the dragon, He does not look at it but looks strongly towards the Light. Likewise we are to centre our glance towards Light and ignore the rest. If we allow darkness to touch us in any way, we get burns. We are walking on very sharp edges! We might like to thank darkness for its existence, as its job is to make us strong, but mustn’t give them the least of importance in our sphere. Blessings to your work and thank you again for what you have done! -Ghamin

Thanks Kytka for the fairy tale link. I think I am going to order a couple of books including the Lights along the path (Jewish fairytales) and some Japanese and maybe Russian ones. My daughter gets scared VERY VERY easily and it lasts so I have to be very careful. One of the benefits of home schooling is that I can select the tales we tell. Some of the food you are making sounds wonderful! My children too love fresh fruit for breakfast but where we live fruit is expensive and comes in small packages and (is rarely organic) so we don’t as much of it as we would like. I miss that a lot from N.A. But those burritos sounds fabulous! I would love to have a few recipes that we could incorporate especially now as it is too hot to turn on the stove many days…. So please include me on your list. Thanks, Mindy

I know I speak for all of us when I say we’ll be looking forward to your participation whenever you feel you can participate on the list. Thanks for all you have done and thanks for how much you’ve affected me and so many others. -Hannah

Dear Kytka, What an impressive lady you are, I’m inspired by all the good work that you have done and I am wanting to practice simple living myself. Blessings – Joanne

Dear Kytka, I’ve been sensitive to emotions/energies ever since I can remember and what you experienced is something that very well could have been my own story. Sometimes I speak out but no one can usually understand me because I feel so deeply and the tears come and muffle my message. I’ve gone through numb times, though, and to tell you the truth–it’s much better to feel no matter how much it hurts. It is cleansing in a way. Your bewilderment, rage, and sadness at what happened was felt by all who are similar and connected. It is through this feeling that together we will all one day be strong enough to help those who have lost contact with their inner selves–the part that is connected to everyone and everything. Sending love and light your way — Wendi (who is always very inspired by your words and thankful that you share).

Dear Kytka, Thanks so much for creating this beautiful forum and for pioneering forward in the spirit of community! I am so grateful for your energy and your visionary thinking! I have been and eclectic Waldorf Home schooling mom for 11 years and have longed for this kind of a website! -Karen

Just wanted to tell you i have stumbled upon this website about a week ago and I LOVE it!!! I am truly amazed at all that you have done and believe all that you believe and love that you are now doing something in Belize!!! When I read your story I feel/share ALL of your beliefs!! Bye for now!! -Shelley, 34, mom of 1 and 3 yr old, looking at raw veganism as my next goal. Very Interested in your Belize project. Will chat further later…

Here you have been in front of me all this time and for some reason I chose today to finally visit your web sites! You are certainly an inspiration to this mother. Here I am, having one of those days when I could just scream and walk away and there you are, just as I needed to read something, making me remember that it isn’t all about ME! I read your story, who you are and how you have changed and I feel this bond with you suddenly and I don’t even know you. I am probably where you were 5 or even 8 or 10 years ago. I am the mother of 3 young children, doing the Waldorf home schooling thing, living as simply as I can. I have this loving husband, who tries… but I know his heart just isn’t in the simplicity like mine is, we often clash on ideas and I find myself trying to meet us all in the middle. We have spent much of our marriage trying to figure out how to make more money, and now here I am trying to figure out how we can live on less so he can be home with us, so we can not be this stereotypical upper middle class family. He clings to what he knows (mainstream docs, big house, big cars) and I sit here wanting the opposite. I am studying to be a lay midwife and hope to start apprenticing soon, I am also studying classical homeopathy and would love to run a homeopathic midwifery practice someday soon. I too am a minister, and honestly without the Goddess to keep me going some days I would just fall apart (again, remembering it’s not all about me! lol) Sorry for the bantering… I guess I have just needed to get that out for a while and I felt like you perhaps were a safe person to do that with. So… how do I go about this better? I a veg., mostly vegan actually, I still buy leather goods, etc., but try to be better in my choices. I loved your wish list on the site! Sounds a lot like my holiday list, no characters, no Barbie, etc. lol…. still trying to get my mother to realize it’s not just the body image thing, it’s the plastic, the garbage that goes with Barbie…. lalalala. Now here I am wondering if I can help you at all. My husband does work for a fairly environmentally friendly company, and we get free products monthly. It’s almost always more than we can use. So, how do you feel about tea tree oil? Can you use their personal hygiene products? soap, toothpaste, some of their cleaning stuff? also, they have vitamins, etc. I would be happy to prepare a box to send you if you can use it. Just let me know. I must say again…. you were there for me today like I need you to be, even if you didn’t know it. You have made me remember why I do this, it’s not just for me, it’s for them. Thank you! -M.

I’m all new to home schooling, I’ve just started to home school my 5 year old son and I am interested in the Waldorf method, I don’t have a lot of experience but I have a lot of love for my son and pray every day for guidance in the right direction. I’m very glad for all the information you offer on you wonderful site, please keep up the good work. -Sandra

Your web site has offered much inspiration for me. I love the Waldorf approach and am glad to have stumbled upon it while looking for home schooling options. My daughter is almost 3 and we have recently joined a Waldorf playgroup and are becoming active within the Waldorf community. It is amazing to me how small this world is. K, I met your sister Kati, at a park and we got to talking. She’s lovely and a wonderful mother. Your site is full of positive energy. It’s on my favorites list. Can’t wait for more contributions. -Christian Taylor

Your site is truly beautiful to behold and uplifting. Well done on a great job! I am a mother of 2 boys, 4 and 7. My eldest was fortunate enough to have a wonderful introduction to schooling through a South African Waldorf School. However we moved to Florida. I home-schooled last year (using Waldorf principles) and now he is at Public School. Luckily he is enjoying it but I try to introduce as much Waldorf-inspired education into his (our) lives as my limited knowledge allows. Your site helps to light my way. -Janine Basel

Anyone who had Hedgehog farms is bound to be special. Thank you for your wonderful work. What smart folks you all are. God bless you.- Mary Lou in NC

Thank you for your wonderful website. I’ve been teaching preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten for over ten years. I love teaching. My son has always been with me in my classroom so it has been nice until he started public school (kindergarten) for the first time. I have found it to be an awful experience. (mainly the teachers and principle) I turned to your website and found so much supportive information that I knew this is what I have been wanting to teach all along and what I want my son to know. Your resources and articles are outstanding. Thank you for taking the time to do this website. Instead of feeling helpless, I now know what I need to do and I am doing it. Blessed be, -San Roos

I love your website. Right now my son goes to The Detroit Waldorf and my husband is a teacher there. However, I do feel like I am on the brink of home schooling and its nice to know you have all this helpful info. Thank you! -Bonnie Martin

Dear Kytka, Last week I wrote the now ancient post on yahoo asking what I should be reading to my preschooler… I found your site two Saturday’s ago and have been there since! With the first few pages I read, my heart started to Pound, literally, at the treasure I had found!! What a sensational job you have done putting the whole site together. The wealth of information you give is beautiful. I Thank You for the re-awakening of myself. Since the birth of my daughter, I’ve been sort of …”lost”. You speak of the ways of life with which I had once been so familiar. When I was a massage therapist Years ago, I had heard of home birth, the vaccine controversy, home schooling and of Waldorf. Years later I had a home birth, haven’t given my daughter any vaccines, am home schooling but somehow Waldorf was forgotten, until now! I so look forward to reading the suggested books; I’m eagerly awaiting them from the library!! I read your article about Making the Waldorf method work, despite your economic status; that is Exactly where me and my husband are now. We moved here about 4 months ago with the promise of a good, profitable business…with the hopes of rising out of the predicament from which we came, only to have it ripped from us within Weeks of our arrival. Kevin has been out of work for 5 weeks now, and is looking for a job(s) that will pay enough to at least keep us going. We are giving our car back to the bank tomorrow. From that inspiring article, I have learned (or am Really Trying to learn) not see this as a loss, but as gaining time with my daughter during her most precious years. Of learning all the different types of handwork, especially the dolls, nature walks, stories, everything! We are trying to emit positive energy, but it’s tough! Really, how DID you and your family get through this time in your life? I first heard of raw through the un-cook book by Juliano. When I saw it a few years back, I have wanted it since, but was never able to pay the $35.00 price. Within months it was pretty much forgotten about. Well, again, thanks to you, I have re-discovered Raw and found out that it’s not about eating a few raw foods, but an entire way of life in itself. My husband and I have been discussing and distressing for years this “rut” we are in, how sick we feel and how in the world we were going to get out of it, to get back to our healthier lifestyle and for him to stop being MAD at the world. Finding your website now has been such a blessing, I already have the feeling of health and spirit again. Thank you Kytka! Take Care, -Jennifer

Dear Kytka, I am going to share your article at the Home schooling conference this weekend at Fair Oaks CA. I enjoy your site so much, of course I will share information about your wonderful site. Thanks for all your hard work! -Trisha Lambert

We have been home schooling from the start/using Live Education (beginning 3rd grade now). I have a daughter 8 and a son 4. I am enrolled in the Waldorf teacher training program here in San Diego and am enjoying it very much. I just began this summer! My husband and I have been vegan for 14 years. (I feel sad about how animals are treated in factory farms…care about our health…) Our children are vegan too. I am very interested in moving to a raw food diet and have been contemplating it for the past year. I move in and out of days raw then shift back… It just seems so hard… I miss stuff… mostly bread/grains… Ideally/from an ethical perspective I would like to eat foods that fall off of plants (sort of like fruitarian but squash, eggplant, … would be fine). I know that I will eventually be in this space… Anyways, you got me thinking again of a raw food diet! I feel such a pull in this direction! Thanks! -Julia

I would like to say that I LOVE the website. So much wonderful information, and excellent resources and links! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this all together, and for sharing it with all of us who are interested in learning more about Waldorf…….more about life… I send it to all my friends! “The most significant thing one can do to promote world peace is to go home and love your family.” Peace- Jennifer

Hello Kytka, I send this e-mail in the hopes that it finds you focused, peaceful and full of anticipation of adventures to come! I have found your experience, insights and sharing to be warm, helpful and thought-provoking. Thank you! Best wishes on your big move! It’s a worthwhile and deeply spiritual adventure that you are about to embark on! Buena Suerte y Bendiciones, -Maria Claudia

Hello, Thank you for your wonderful website! I have been thoroughly engrossed in it for several late nights! -Stacy

We use the tools of attachment parenting in our family; balance and boundaries, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, baby wearing, as well as cloth diaper and buy organic when our budget allows. My new friend, has introduced me to homeopathic remedies for healing and I am so happy to start my new journey on a level of medical treatment more in tune with my family’s way of life. My mother, when I was very young, did so much of Waldorf activities with me-not knowing it had a name- and in my research of home schooling, I keep finding my path pointing to the ideals of Waldorf every time. It calls to my heart and feels right for my family. I am hoping to just learn here how others spend their days home schooling and try to get through all of your wonderful site as it is so informative! Thank you Kytka for your site! -Traci

Kytka, Hope it’s ok to email you off-line-I wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate to ask this on the list. Anyhow, I am *intrigued* by the raw foods thread. Our family eats a mostly organic diet including meats, dairy and eggs. I am pregnant with my 4th baby, 13 weeks, and have been reading recently about a raw foods diet. Woody Harrelson’s website (your link) was powerful and had an impact on me. Anyway, what a jump it would be for us to go from eating what I always considered a relatively “healthy” diet to a raw foods diet! I spend *so* much money each month on food-organic dairy (milk, eggs, cheese) and meat is very expensive. I believe they’re worth it if we’re eating meat/dairy, but I’m thinking of not only the seemingly extraordinary health benefits of a raw food diet, but the simplicity of it. My question is, what about during pregnancy? Would it be unwise to de-tox during pregnancy? And can you *really* get all the protein you need through pregnancy eating raw? This way of life is really calling me, especially this time of year here in TX with so many wonderful fresh fruits around!! Hmm…bet it is more challenging in winter? When you have just a moment I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your time. By the way has your family moved yet or are you still in Florida? You are ever-inspiring!! Blessings! – Kristina

Dear Kytka, Thank you. I am really enchanted with Osho and what he teaches us about life and existence. I admit most of my ideas have been learnt from him. He taught me that I should float in life instead of trying to swim against the tides, that I should accept everything and everybody the way they are, and that ignorance, just like enlightenment and knowledge, are a natural part of life, in which I shouldn’t interfere. I believe that no matter how much propaganda is out there, there is no deeper conditioning and intuitive action than breastfeeding for a mother. It is just so natural! Just like bearing a child vs. abortion, etc. But the world is so confused that it naturally creates contradiction. Osho talked several times against what Mother Theresa was doing because on one hand – the Catholics are against birth control, and on the other hand – she takes care of the “unwanted” children. Looks like the purpose of the church is just to increase the number of its flock without caring about the damage done to those totally hurt, unwanted since in the womb of their mother, children. What a sad picture! Anyway, I am against any and all organized beliefs, because the moment you organize an idea, it gets corrupted and stands right away against another idea. And here the conflict is born. And wars, and disasters, etc. It is totally wrong to preach to anyone. Because in reality, people are so selfish that they don’t know how to just share and walk away. They insist, they debate, they argue – until you get it, or tell them to go f……And even then they may come back – just like all those Mormons and other “messengers of God” – so ugly, so violent. So, I am against organizing the idea of breastfeeding. If someone doesn’t know about it, they will find, on their own accord, out of their own search, their own asking, inquiring, research and not anybody’s influence. Just like people on this forum are asking and sharing – I love it because THEY are asking, nobody is walking into their house or calling them on the phone to tell them what to do, here everyone is just sharing. And that is beautiful. Just don’t be so concerned about people’s ignorance about breastfeeding vs. formula feeding – it is no different than your ignorance about how to live and let everyone else live. Just share when asked and don’t talk when not asked about it even if the ignorance is unfolding in front of your eyes because if the worm is not ready to become a butterfly, you may kill it prematurely by creating guilt and frustration, instead of “helping” it fly. -Anna

Kytka, I am glad to hear that you are ‘plugging into real life’ and wish you well. I’m fairly new to the list, and I enjoy your unique perspective and the information you share. – Tiffany

Kytka, Thanks again for the information. I love t o look at your websites. People will miss you in the discussion list – you have helped so many. You seem to know to much and you share info in such a warm an nice way… I’m sorry to see you leave. Of course if it’s just because you need to make time for your family or your matters, then I support your decision! and will join you on your web site and discussion list. -Isabelle

Hi Kytka! I am so sorry for not responding with a big thank you sooner. I have been so busy reading and absorbing your suggested books. Oh, am I having one of the best times in my life reading and learning!! I heard of that Farmer’s Market a few weeks ago; I wasn’t sure if it would be worth the time, now I look forward to going. I have frequented Nature’s Food Patch quite often; I believe their organics to be pretty decent. I know how you feel about being treated badly. NEW RULE: (In our case) after a credit check, criminal background check and a SIX month wait, we would (Hopefully) be able to get a business license!! We don’t know how we are supposed to live on $12.00/hr when we are used to making all of the profit? Yes, we are spoiled, we admit that. (With all the “stuff” we had accumulated, this was a blow to our pride. Now of course that “stuff” we don’t care about any more, either). You also have to pay for workman’s comp. and liability ins. a year in advance before the license can be issued. (new rule again) Then after that, pay for advertising, blah, blah, BS. That’s Florida for you: another day, another rule. There are no positives. We are leaving this state as soon as possible and heading back to the farm in SC. There, he can go to work the very day we arrive, and he will. AND I will start my organic vegetables and fruits garden and sell to the public one day a week. That is truly what I have wanted all along; I can see it so clearly! If coming here to this dumping ground of a State was what it took for me to realize this, then it has been worth it!! I now see light at the end of the tunnel. Until then, I also thank you for the reminder of how I can cut costs with the monthly bills; common sense. I loose mine, not often, but more than I’d like! The caller ID is gone (the only reason I had was to avoid my husband’s parents) terrible aren’t I? The cable, that’s gone too. Kevin is actually beginning to read again instead of vegging in front of the TV! Thanks for the insight and the wonderful positive energy you are giving to this world. I like to take the negative and turn it into positive , then give it back, too. What a beautiful way to live. Take care, -Jennifer

Kytka, I thank you so much for all you do. You are a true inspiration. -Carrie

Thank you again for your time and insights! -Tyce

Hello, I am a Waldorf teacher of a little Steiner School in Switzerland – Locarno. I am very grateful to you because of your site, it’s very important that we can communicate any sort of information on the web site as far as we know what it is all about. Thank you for your time. -Rossana

My name is Laura I live in AZ now, I just moved from Largo FL. I wish I knew you then. Thank you so much for the Steiner and Vegetarian info. I’m going through a challenge at my charter Waldorf right now on this topic. They asked me to show how eating animals and the Waldorf principles or philosophy, contradict each other. So first I have to find where Steiner himself promotes vegetarianism right? If you could recommend a book that would be a great resource for me. I will be getting out a love offering to you!! Blessings, -Laura, a fellow raw foodist!!

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the work you are doing with your new non-profit. (Simple Sense Mission) I am of Mexican-American descent and still have family in Mexico that suffers greatly from an oppressive government, lack of opportunity and general third world conditions. Also, our second child is adopted from Guatemala and we spent several weeks there during the final stages of her adoption. The conditions there where even worse than anything I had seen in Mexico… I don’t think most Americans can fathom the poverty in which so many children live unless they witness it first hand or have sensitive individuals like you to educate them. My best to you, Carmen

When I heard about your new site, I ran right over and stayed all day! The graphics are beautiful, and all the wonderful information and stories! I especially loved your article on the importance of family stories. I told the girls a personal story about them and their class last night and I’ve never had such rapt attention before! Emily and Rosie loved hearing about themselves in a story. Thanks so much for all the loving work you put into this site. :-) -Heather

What a wonderful website you have created. It is truly an inspiration for all of us– especially us moms just starting our journey! Thanks so much for all the effort you have put into this! -Julie

Kytka, Let me start off by saying “WELCOME BACK.” You have such spunk and such get up and go. I admire that. Thank you for responding. I can imagine you have been extremely busy. I like what you wrote about it all depends on the child. I agree. My daughter just has more focus and it is probably because we have always instilled greatness in her. I have begun supplementing at home as well as I am in the early stages of a more affordable online home school that will offer an accredited diploma. These programs run $200+ a month and books are extra. Education should be affordable. I also really took to heart what you said about unschooling and the entrepreneurial spirit. I really feel you on that. That is what is wrong with society now. No one wants to be responsible for themselves. As a new entrepreneur, I have never experienced anything such as this. While the money is sporadic, the freedom, peace and joy makes up for it. Hands on is definitely the way to go. I worked with a woman who was working on her MBA and this was the only real job she ever had. She was headed in the wrong direction. It was so funny to see her try to make the MBA application work in the real world. It is easier if you have the experience and enhance it with the MBA. Thank you again and have a wonderful life in Central America!! My best, -Crystal

This is a jewel! Thank you for all the love and work you have poured into this site. I will return again and again and drink deeply. -Margaret Rose

Hi Kytka — I’m sorry to see you leave this WE HS list, but I can understand…. I have learned so much from you, from your posts, and from my emails to you (starting with the one where I asked you what the degrees after your name meant :-) In one of your emails, you took much time to explain what I needed. Thank You. It seems from your words that you are a happy, content, at-peace person, who has done a lot of living, and experiencing, and learning and growing, along with changing, and becoming the best “you” that you can be….. I so admire that… that you’re far along on your journey, and that it seems like you’ve actually DONE the “work” (whereas I just READ about what I should be doing….) Anyway, I wish you well and I will look for your books around Christmas time — I didn’t know you had written any. Your site and information has helped me — particularly the Raw food information — I haven’t become Raw, BUT I AM eating more fruits and veggies, and that makes me feel good. Blessings and Peace to you! -Jill

Kytka, When you are standing in the light you can’t help but attract the attention of the darkness, you are truly a shinning light, that has given spark to so many of us. blessings, -Trisha

Kytka, Thanks for sharing so much about raw foods with me. My husband has been trying for years to get me into it. He studied with Victoris K. and also spent a lot of time with Ann Wigmore in Boston years ago!! I always made fun of his soaking almonds as they looked so unappealing to me. Needless to say he is very excited in this new change in me. I have in a short week and a half been soaking all sorts of things and dusted off my old juicer and blender. I am not ready to take a 100% raw plunge but think if I can do 2 meals a day raw I am on the road and enjoying reading at all the links you gave me. I ordered the book and video from your friend Victoria this week as well. I am looking forward to trying it. I have another question: do most people who go raw pass a worm? I forced myself to look at it and was totally disgusted. How to they get in their in the first place.. they make candida seem bearable! I hope to never see such a creature from any of us but are the chances high? I am not giving up fruit right now to go on a Candida diet as I want to see how I do with fruit since I deprived myself of it for a long time being on a high protein diet. The harvest up here in New England is wonderful right now with lots of natural blueberries everywhere. Thanks so much for sharing all you have with me! Blessings to you and your beautiful family, -Beth

Thank you and all your ‘support staff’ for the hard work. You have produced a fabulous resource site that encompasses all the other ‘info sites’ out there. -Robin

Hi Kytka! I have peeked in on two of your websites….my there is so much to read! I have barely skimmed them both…but not really gotten very far. I just wanted to write to you to say how excited I am to have found you. And I really admire you, your goals and accomplishments. I am very interested in your project in Belize. What ages do you accept for children in the family groups, I mean, would my little one be in the way, he is 4. I must admit that none of us have any skill-skills as far as farming or building, is on-the-job training ok? :) I would LOVE to bring my children to Central-America were they (and me) can see how ‘real’ people live, how much waste and nonsense goes on in the USA, the frivoulrey and fluff, all of which is useless. It will be good for my daughter to focus on others’ needs rather than obsessing over her (perceived) needs. At my church and most of the community, any helping of others usually revolves around food, either bringing food to others, making it for others, or the host of the project feeds the kids pizza as a reward for helping whoever it was. I had my daughter in Brownies, the whole thing was just a junk-food fest. I would love to serve in the community, helping those in need, I just have yet to find anything that we have the skills to do that are not food related. As it is, we have elderly neighbors, they are poverty-stricken. My husband brings them food from his restaurant everyday and the kids bring it over to them. On the one hand, we feel good to be able to do something helpful for them, but on the other hand, well, you know. They think that fruit will give them diarrhea, and actually, with the way they have eaten for the last 70+ years, it probably would. We had a friend of our daughters stay the night a few weeks ago and she practically didn’t make it. She had a pounding headache after only a few hours on raw with us. The child de-toxed so fast, I almost went and got her something else to eat. She doesn’t want to come here anymore, the child is on the overweight side, her mother is a chiropractor, so the child sits in front of the tv everyday after school while her mom has patients. She is accustomed to eating, a lot, and all junk food. This is my daughters only friend really, we live in a very rural area. Last time Bella went over her house, she came home throwing up and with a fever. She needed to stay in bed for several days to recover from whatever she ate there. I need some way to impact her heart instead of just her head. I am also interested in learning about the Waldorf. There is so much reading on your site that I don’t know where to begin! My daughter does very well academically, we don’t use a whole line of curriculum, we use a hodge podge of different publishers. But I find it rather dry and not terribly exciting, we want to have more fun, but I don’t know how. Maybe I will find something on your site to be useful, if I ever get through it all! My husbands sister is visiting from Miami…so I have a couple of hours to myself while they go around and take pictures. I will try and get through your site as much as I can in this time. I am in love with your plan to get the kids involved. Still, the ages I don’t know what is appropriate, but I would love to know anything, to do anything to get involved, to have my family active in the vision. Love, Kelli xo

I found your web site a couple months ago and have found it very helpful. I had been homeschooling my oldest daughter for three years. This year I put her in school because she wasn’t learning to read and this became a major concern for my husband and her father (ex-husband). We can afford the Waldorf school and even if we could, my husband would not pay for it. His sons have and are doing well (so he thinks) in public school and my daughter will also. I had to put her in second grade since I had been using the Waldorf method and she was at a lower reading level. I have another daughter that I managed to keep out of school that is five and a half, she would have been in Kindergarten. I just wanted to Thank You for being there. -Gwynne

I am amazed at all the things you cover! Thank you so much for sharing with us all. Is it your picture on the web site ? You look so nice. I was lately on your pages about birthday verses, and thought wow! this is great, and so helpful. I wanted to thank you personally! -Isabelle

Hi Kytka, I just want to thank you for and commend you on such a wonderful website. I am a member of the BF-friends e-group and enjoy all your comments and website suggestions etc. there also. -Judy

Truly Beautiful. The information you have presented here is not only inspirational but so user friendly. My printer has been running non-stop since I’ve started reading. I showed my husband your graphics and we both agreed that it really gives us a wonderful sense of calmness, serenity, and beauty as we read the related information. Thank you for producing such a wonderful sight for all of us “Waldorf Inspired Home Schoolers” to visit for inspiration….just what we “WISHed” for ! Blessings.. -Betsy

Just thanks, I know I will be returning to this site often for ideas, inspiration and information as I am just on the first steps of the journey of Steiner home schooling my 7 yr old. I feel lucky and scared but trusting in the intuitive leads of going with the path of the heart…our kids need this heartfelt way. -Peggy

Kytka! I went to your site, and I am flabbergasted. I can hardly believe there are other people on this planet who think like I do. I would like nothing in the world better than to live a simple life such as you described, and at the same time to serve mankind and be in total tune with nature. Actually, we did it for 10 years. My husband and I care-took some land in Northern California, with a barn on it, built the barn into a home while living it in, turned the ground around us from hard as a rock and full of rocks to so rich and brown you could reach your hand down at the beginning of the season and scoop up a big handful, put in fruit trees, had chickens and a goat herd of over a hundred, so we had milk, eggs, and cheese, and a garden of course. We taught our children at home (they all turned out well), gave birth by ourselves, my husband sewed us up when we had big cuts, and we returned the favor to him, had no electricity or phone, though we did build a septic system and put in a toilet and showers. I worked a few shifts a week doing massage therapy for the small bit of money we did use. It was so nice that when we finished, the owners of the land saw that it was good and took it back. The niche we would like to serve in is the area of natural health. I want to begin a small rural retreat where people can come, regardless of financial situation, and regain their lost health using natural means ( detoxifying, rebuilding the body nutritionally using whole foods, juices, herbs, hyperbaric (my husband is also very handy, and can build these very inexpensively) and oxygen treatments, water treatments, this is a whole other category of explanation). This retreat would be as self-sufficient as possible, energy and food-wise. Cottage industries would supply a means for those to work who were unable to afford treatment, to build or make things that could be sold to help support the on-going work. We could specialize in products that we could believe in and were related to our lifestyle, such as massage tables, fomentation supplies, goat cheeses…….the list could go on and on. As patients recovered their health, some of them would have a vision to give back as they themselves had been helped, and would stay on as workers to assist the ministry. Others would want to go back to their own home areas and start a similar work. As we were able, we would assist them to start a similar mission based on the original prototype. I’m working right now on writing up a description of basic principles upon which our “Health Institute” would be run. It actually was the brainchild of an amazing lady back in the 1800’s who started such a work, and it got taken out of her hands and became one of the largest chain of hospitals in the US today, but its just a regular hospital, not anything like what she envisioned and began back then. It’s time to go back and do it right this time. My heart just does flip-flops just to think about it. But anyway…….Let me get back with you later tonight… – Margaret

Thank you for your dedication to this dream. I love what you have created for us all, your kindred families. Every page is an inspiration, and helps give me courage to raise my children to have open hearts, useful hands and hopeful spirits…Sparkling Blessings to you and your sweet family, -Lynn

Kytka, What a terrific site you have thanks so much for sharing it with me! Blessings back at ya! -Beth

Dear Kytka, I recently discovered your web site and I have to thank you for such wonderful inspirations and knowledge. We were truly inspired by your information on raw foods and we are gradually increasing the amount we eat and we are feeling well and seem to be avoiding the colds and tummy bugs that are currently going around. Most of all however I would like to thank you for the little stories you tell about your precious children. My three boys are also so very precious and your stories have touched me and urged me to strive harder to be the very best person and the very best mother I can be. It has also been heartening to read other homeschooling mothers Waldorf experiences. I tend to be a perfectionist so when I began Waldorf homeschooling I wanted to do everything they did in schools and just as beautifully. As a result we burnt out after two years and my children now go to a Steiner school. A very beautiful Steiner school. But still there is so much to strive for at home and I thank you for inspirations. I have a question for you. My eldest boy will be 9 years old next week and he still cannot read or write (his own material) From birth he was an unsettled colicky baby who did not sleep well and was easily over stimulated. At the time I did not know anything of Steiner and as a result I probably made things harder for him by providing him with lots of stimulation. At 2 he watched an hour of television most days and went off to a host of stimulating activities most days. He did not really crawl properly and he walked at 10 months. When he was 4 I discovered Steiner and Waldorf education and things slowly began to change. The plastic toys went, he stopped watching television, we began to sing and make up stories. Still I sent him to pre-school where once again he was bombarded with stimulation not to mention early learning. He seemed to love it, but in my heart I knew it was not right and when he turned 5 I took him out and we began our homeschooling venture. Homeschooling my child was never easy. He is very easily distracted and although he loves stories he really had no other interest in learning. Perhaps he was already burnt out. But it was more than this. His concentration is poor, his behavior can be quite erratic and immature, he has poor posture, co-ordination, balance skills etc. Because of this skipping, clapping, knitting, recorder playing etc. are very difficult for him. I came across THE EXTRA LESSON by Audrey McAllen and we began to also do extra lesson stuff . It all got to hard and difficult with the birth of my third son and so we moved to the school and enrolled the two eldest boys in a Steiner school. Once a week my child does extra lesson and there has been some small improvements. But now that he is almost 9 it is getting scary. Will it ever come together for my child? Perhaps it will always be difficult. I love him so dearly and it is so hard to watch him struggle. I have begun to do little readers with him at night. They are Fitzroy readers and not at all Steiner, but they are phonetically based and so he can actually read something. He knows that other children can read and he knows that for some reason he can’t. I’m trying to give him some success and some confidence. What do you think? I sometimes worry I am causing further damage by teaching him in the wrong way but how long are you suppose to wait and how is his self esteem damaged along the way. Thanks again Kytka for your wonderful inspirations. I shall continue to read your wonderful, heartfelt stories and I feel blessed to have found you. -Donna

This evening as Justin (5) and I were taking a walk we came over a short hill and the setting sun hit our faces … “There’s the Nice Sun!” he exclaimed. Our simple “good morning dear sun” verse before circle time has already opened up how he thinks of the world, and personifying all the things around us… We recently bought some little sweet mice for pets, and Michael (10) told me that his mouse, Zephyr, “is more precious than gold or silver.” How happy I feel to be on this path of preserving the wonder and preciousness of childhood … and to have you all to journey and share with … ” …you have given me such treasures … “- Lyn Marie

I love your site! Thank you for all the wonderful information!! I really appreciate the raw birthday cakes! I was looking for something just like this for my sons birthday, and here it is!!! Thank you! Love, Julia

I’m not sure if you remember me…I was on the WE_HS list a couple of years ago (I’ve always been subscribed, but have been reading it online until just recently.) and ordered a few things from you right before your flood. I lived in San Diego. I was looking into a raw food diet back then, but was still eating chicken and dairy. I have since discovered Marilu Henner’s books and have gone vegan. I’m a chips and salsa addict as well as a vegan cookie addict! I’m really wanting to continue looking into a raw food diet and am wondering about the book you mentioned in this post. (Raw Family : A true Story of Awakening) You know, when I got your catalog way back when, I saw a picture of a heavier woman with sandy blond hair along with your children and husband. Wow, was that you??? When I went to your new (new to me) website, I saw pictures of a thin, blond woman with your name all over them! Now, who was the heavier woman??? Have you lost a lot of weight in the past couple of years?? I read your story and you sound a lot like me, only more intelligent. How do you find the time to get all of the degrees you have and read everything you’ve read? Maybe things sink in more easily for you. I can read a whole book and forget half of it by the time I’m finished…lol. You’re in Florida now! Wow! – Jodi

Greetings! I have so enjoyed looking at your site today…referred to us by a customer. I would like to support your work in any way I can, you are providing a greatly needed service. I would like our customers to be able to find you by placing a link on our site. I would also like to advertise in two to three places on your site. I look forward to hearing from you! ~Annette, Paper Scissors Stone

I was so pleased to get a response from you. I also wanted to thank you again for your reply, I actually sat down and talked more to my husband about my fears and concerns about how far apart our beliefs seem to be at times. It was only then that I realized we aren’t as far apart as I thought, he just doesn’t vocalize as much as I do! Funny how that little thing called communication can help. So I will keep plugging away, finding ways to make our lives greener, make myself and my children the happiest we can be and be supportive of the other adults in my life regardless of what they choose. I loved your Barbie page! I bookmarked it and will probably need to refer some well meaning family member to it before the year is up! It rang true with me in many ways too. I was always busty, but had to really work to keep my weight in that acceptable society range, now that I have a healthier view of myself, my life and my eating habits, I long since realized that if we were all a size 4 this would be a very boring place to live. I am busty and beautiful and shapely and more a 14 than a 4, but also healthier than ever. Somehow natural living brings out our true selves and stabilizes us body mind and soul. And in closing, for what it’s worth, I think your site is a wonderful wealth of knowledge! Both sites in fact. -Melisa

Dear Kytka, Only in the last month I have become interested in Rudolf Steiner’s ideas and the Waldorf School approach. My knowledge was next to zero. I stumbled across your website and found it very informative and in fact I have visited your site at least once a day for the last two weeks. Your shared knowledge has given me inspiration and practical ideas. You’ve even answered one of my questions on Breast feeding for my daughter. I’d just like to say for the people out there who are not part of the political scene, keep up the good work. It’s passionate people like yourself who can make a difference to this world. Lots of Love -Joanne

Dear Kytka, I have been hooked on to your site ever since I discovered it!!!!!!!! My name is Amita and I am writing from Bangalore, India. I have 2 children, My son is 11 and has been in a Waldorf school before we moved to England where he spent a year in a very chaotic little Waldorf initiative/school, before I decided to move back to India where my family is. My daughter is 8 and is a true Waldorf child…. Ahe began at the same Waldorf school and is now in this little school here which I thought would meet her needs, as it seemed to have elements of Steiner/Waldorf philosophy! She is reading voraciously now thanks to her foundation in Waldorf education…..as much as this little school would like to believe it is their program that has done it! Even she does not agree with them! As it turns out I am very DISAPPOINTED AND AM CONSIDERING HOMESCHOOLING ….or do as much of it at home as I can….Please can you write back with any possibilities of support….I have been talking with the grade 2 teacher at the Waldorf school in Bombay….it is a shame that there are not too many parents homeschooling here and especially the Waldorf way… I very very lost and isolated… I have been growing lettuce bio dynamically for the last few months! look forward to hearing from you, Regards, -Amita

Hello! I was just perusing the Waldorf Home Schoolers site and enjoying it. My two children are in Waldorf schools. Thanks for all of the info out there. -Nancy

What a wonderful resource you have with this site. Thank you. I have a 16 year old I will be home schooling this year. I’m taking her out of public school. My 15 and 12 year old do not what to be home schooled. I think It will just be a matter of time before they change their mind. I also have a 3 year old and she will be home schooled. Thank you kindly, Anita, Island Treasure Toys

I, of course, had to take a look around your “new” site. It makes sense to now call it Waldorf Home schoolers. The site shows you to be this enormous treasure chest. The more you dig, the more riches you find. . . . My big question for you is, “HOW DO YOU DO IT ALL!?!?!” -Yours, Diane, Rosenberry Books

Due to a bout of insomnia I was up until the wee hours of the morning, doing some work on the computer and perusing familiar Waldorf sites. I noticed that the old WISH site, which first introduced me to Waldorf home schoooling so many years back, had undergone a major facelift as well as some navigation updates. It really is beautiful and worth taking a look… or a second look, as in my case. Considering the sharing of verses lately, I thought this particular link would be of interest. Collection of Verses The verses here are too many to mention… and they are conveniently separated into seasons, rituals, festivals, handwork activities, etc. Really, I’m thinking the site could serve as a replacement to so many expensive curriculums. Certainly, in the early years at least. Overall it is an outstanding resource. ~ Carmen Isais, Aesops Room

Dear Kytka, Congratulations on your lovely site! I found it most useful. My colleague and I found the birthday celebration parts most interesting as we often celebrate our students birthdays in the classroom. I am a teacher of English as a foreign language and am fortunate to be taking a ” general” Waldorf course in the south of Argentina where we live. I have been looking everywhere for information on the Twelve senses that Rudolf Steiner spoke of, but I can’t seem to locate anything in the Internet. Can you help me? Thanks again! – Juanita

“Your encouragement and support of at-home businesses is so evident from your articles. I couldn’t imagine anyone purchasing from the “Big Guys” after reading what you’ve written. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be a part of your community “I’m delighted to be a sponsor of such a worthwhile, informative and well expressed website.” Sincerely – Kathryn Sheehan The Silver Penny

Kytka, What you write here is so amazingly profound and truthful, and even more it is heart FULL! Your understanding and wisdom has been birthed through suffering I know, not just for yourself and what you have probably like most of us, endured through personal life choices and changes, but through the realization of the times and demands of the world we are all in together. You have been willing (perhaps compelled like I have been) to pursue truth at any cost and you have been wonderfully giving and forthright with your beliefs and yet able to somehow tolerate and even appreciate those that see things differently and maybe even those that give nothing of themselves. I am impressed and even more, I am encouraged on my daily path to go on and be the best mom, wife, person that I can be because of the same motivation that you have. Thanks for sharing and caring…being willing and able to express your self and truth so clearly and ably. You are appreciated and even more for standing up for your Liberty to speak truth and have an uncensored board where things that are elsewhere fearfully neglected or ignored are welcome to be explored with confidence that truth shall prevail. We can no longer do nothing and in fact, we must not only do something but do the “right” thing. Thus we must know for ourselves what that is. In knowing for ourselves, as you say, it is great to have somewhere to share it as well as read that others are searching things out or living truth out as they see it likewise. I am an older mom now (when did that happen? when I was being too busy to notice it coming up on me literally) and I can tell you that there is a direction that people go in that limits their choices more and more narrowly until maybe they stand by them self surrounded only by those that think, act and maybe even dress exactly like themselves. And it may all seem so “right”. Unfortunately, when they expect their children to conform to this image with the same demand, they may find that their children are not of that same material to even be able to conform. They may not only not want to, but they may not have it in them to even understand or know how to. Thus communication breakdowns happen (it may be caused by a communication breakdown as well) and the child who was once your very own closeness, part of your very own self-expression, knowing their every waking thought and dream practically, a love so close to your heart…now becomes their own expression and you wonder where your “child” disappeared to and who is this “stranger” in your house? Then do you approve or cast aside as being “intolerable” leaving them out in the cold and unable to bridge the “gap”, unable to feed one another with thoughts and dreams and ideas that lighten your day, unable to find that place of closeness and safety? It is the most common thing now and home schooling parents are not exempt from the “generation gap” that takes place especially if youth, in their teens, see hypocrisy or something that they themselves do not have the ability to conform themselves to that embodies their parents. Parents grow and change. Life demands it. As we grow we change also…Do we become more understanding or more strict? Do we become more patient or more demanding? What part is power to play in dealing with our children? Are we to empower them only to find that they use their power to jet away from us when we would rather they helped propel us to greatness with them? What motivated our choices to home school? To really understand our children and provide them with an environment that is free for them to grow to be themselves and to be the best that they can become. Are we diligently seeking to keep them from being conformed to the worldly conditions and values that we see so pervasively coming in like a flood everywhere, even in our own lives before we were lifted up above to see it happening? I know I was. I was both destroyed and then rescued. First partially destroyed by a world system and then again ( or more thoroughly) by a religious system. Two steps in a process of spiritual birthing into a Harbor of peace now within yet still surrounded by the carnal storms of life. My previous thoughts and concepts were no longer working at all and I had to be rescued and yet my own self was unable to find the way to seek help. It was an internal thing with values and wars and fightings, within and without and then, after all the fighting and striving, came peace and settled-ness and an ability to handle things that previously made me want to run and hide. All because of my children and they being “out there”. I had to find my way out of the downward spiral that was only “self” concerned. It was both the worst and the best experience. It brought life and openness and fearlessness now to stand in the midst of opposition and know that I am valuable, whether others see the value or not. In fact each person matters so we must seek to see the value and appreciate while not devaluing ourselves in the process. My children don’t always understand the “stand” I must take as their Mother to defend them and limit for their own good the amount of “stuff” coming at them. This is the child’s role, to be defended, to be protected, sheltered and loved. We must continue to encourage each other to to provide all this and more for our children… nourishing food, living food, spiritual food, and to be that…a nourishing, living and spiritual person ourselves, we must feed on truth and that which is nourishing, living and spiritual. Thank you for contributing food for thought and the Heart! Blessings -Roxine

Hi Kytka, I have been reading your site for some time now. Thank you for providing such a wealth of information for us! -Leeza

I have visited your website frequently on my quest for information on Waldorf education and homeschooling. Thank you for providing this valuable resource to parents like me. I am trying to find a group of local Waldorf homeschoolers in my area just outside of San Luis Obispo, CA in a town called Arroyo Grande. If you have any resources for Waldorf education anywhere on the central coast, I would appreciate hearing from them. ~Laura (email laura@scharlach.net)

Thanks for all your hard work! -Michelle

Thank you for all the hard work you do, Kytka! Blessings -Rebecca

Kytka, Thank you SO MUCH for the new page regarding my concern about young children and art. This is now, I can safely say, the ONLY place on the entire world wide web that addresses this specific aspect of child artistic development. I should know, I visited a zillion such sites and found nothing to either confirm or deny my concern. Thank you, thank you for taking time to set up the page and to share your expertise as an educator and parent with me and with all. I am already heaving a great sigh of relief and the dark cloud of worry has lifted. Once again I am at peace with my daughter’s own special pace. -Marjorie

I am thrilled, humbled and inspired. I have started home schooling my 6 year old son with a Waldorf curriculum. We are still getting comfortable with it and each other. Thank you for such a wonderful site. I really needed this to help me continue with what I have known all along is the right path. Wow! -Maura

Best Waldorf site that I have found. Thank you very much. Great Job! -Kimbery

Hi! I love your site. I’m a subscriber to your newsletter and haven’t yet seen the September/ October issue. I’m just wondering if it’s out yet or did the U.S. Post fail to get it to me? Please let me know or just send me one if possible! thanks -Lisa

Our family has been home schooling in our own unique manner for four years now and we absolutely love it. The tongue-in-cheek name for our home school is “The Aist Family Farm -&- Charm School;” we are not officially registered with any one home schooling group or agency–we do our own thing! We feel comforted knowing there is support for an unschooling way of life in this overly scheduled, hectic world–we make each day our own mix of schedules -&- commitments, free time and play. Our home schooling way of life is a dynamic, evolving process. Our daughters are 11 and 9, and we have a baby on the way due in late January (the ultimate home schoolers’ family science project!). Thank you for your inspiration and guidance! -Kari

I’m all new to home schooling, I’ve just started to home school my 5 year old son and I am interested in the Waldorf method, I don’t have a lot of experience but I have a lot of love for my son and pray every day for guidance in the right direction. I’m very glad for all the information you offer on you wonderful site, please keep up the good work. If there is anyone from Canada, please email me. -Sandra

Your web site has offered much inspiration for me. I love the Waldorf approach and am glad to have stumbled upon it while looking for home schooling options. My daughter is almost 3 and we have recently joined a Waldorf playgroup and are becoming active within the Waldorf community. It is amazing to me how small this world is. K, I met your sister Kati, at a park and we got to talking. She’s lovely and a wonderful mother. Your site is full of positive energy. It’s on my favorites list. Can’t wait for more contributions. How do I sign up for the WCE subscription? Can I order and pay via internet? Please let me know as I am a sponge eager for more to soak up. -Christian

Your site is truly beautiful to behold and uplifting. Well done on a great job! I am a mother of 2 boys, 4 and 7. My eldest was fortunate enough to have a wonderful introduction to schooling through a South African Waldorf School. However we moved to Florida. I home-schooled last year (using Waldorf principles) and now he is at Public School. Luckily he is enjoying it but I try to introduce as much Waldorf-inspired education into his (our) lives as my limited knowledge allows. -Janine

I am operating a online community for Waldorf-inspired home schoolers. We currently have two ongoing Steiner book study groups, live chats, discussion of Festivals, handwork, getting started with home schooling and other issues like vaccination, homeopathy etc. I would like to add this site as a link for my members. I would like some info on where to purchase some of the books in the Book Reviews section (Spindrift etc.) I am home schooling my 10 year old son. (The youngest of my five children.) I am also a grandmother of a four year old girl. -Deborah

The webpage is really wonderful and contains a lot of really good information. I am curious as to how I can learn more about like-minded parents in the Northern New Jersey area. My daughter is 3 1/2, very bright and would love more interaction with children her age. Any suggestions? -Jordan

I am just beginning to discover the resources for Steiner education – am particularly interested in home schooling. Our children are 11 and 9 1/2, and they have attended a state school and private schools (separate boy’s and girl’s) – I am interested in learning more about Steiner education, even if we keep the children in “ordinary” schools. We will be traveling for 5 months this year, so we will be “home schooling” them as we travel. We will then be moving to Queensland. I will bookmark your site as it looks very helpful! Thanks! -Patti, in Hobart

Thank you for your wonderful website. I’ve been teaching preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten for over ten years. I love teaching. My son has always been with me in my classroom so it has been nice until he started public school (kindergarten) for the first time. I have found it to be an awful experience. (mainly the teachers and principle) I turned to your website and found so much supportive information that I knew this is what I have been wanting to teach all along and what I want my son to know. Your resources and articles are outstanding. Thank you for taking the time to do this website. Instead of feeling helpless, I now know what I need to do and I am doing it. Blessed be, San

This is the page for truus geraets S.African Waldorf Education homepage..Your page setup is beautiful and of course includes the lazure painting on the background. Nice touch! I am glad to bookmark this page! ttyl, lauryames The Center For The Art Of Living

Wow!, nice pages! You did a great job. I love the colors, layout…I like it all. keep up the great work! I’d like to invite you to visit my site and sign my guestbook. Well, keep it real and take care! -Roxanna planet babygirl

Dear Kytka. Thank you for the site. It’s great. We’ve communicated before. I’m a little north of you in Canada. Snow covered and wonderful. Bye for now. -Barry Gray

I love your website. Right now my son goes to The Detroit Waldorf and my husband is a teacher there. However, I do feel like I am on the brink of home schooling and its nice to know you have all this helpful info. Thank you! -Bonnie

Thank you, we are all taking from what we have to give back to someone who has given us all so much. Melisa

I am seriously considering home schooling my daughter who will turn three this January. I am moving in two months to a wonderful part of New Jersey where my home will sit on a large lake for swimming, boating and ice skating and nature trails. The closest Waldorf School is about 45 minutes away and the costs are extremely high. Thanks for this wonderful and inspiring information. – Jordan

Kytka, When I got your e.mail about your new site, I ran right over and stayed all day! The graphics are beautiful, and all the wonderful information and stories! I especially loved your article on the importance of family stories. I told the girls a personal story about them and their class last night and I’ve never had such rapt attention before! Emily and Rosie loved hearing about themselves in a story. Thanks so much for all the loving work you put into this site. :-) -Heather

Kytka! What a wonderful website you have created. It is truly an inspiration for all of us– especially us moms just starting our journey! Thanks so much for all the effort you have put into this! -Julie

Kytka, this is a jewel! Thank you for all the love and work you have poured into this site. I will return again and again and drink deeply. Blessings, -Margaret Rose

Thank you Kytka! I appreciate so much the work you do! -Erin O’Meara

I look forward to reading more of your writing-lots of clarity and insight and I love that it is a source for aware parents… Count me in as from the group of interested grandparents to be. Thanks for any info you might have toward the slippers. Namaste, – Mitzi

Dear Kytka, Thank you for your time – I just love your Web site and visit it often. I see that you are in serious need of a sponsor. I hope that an angel comes through for you – it would be terrible to lose your site – I think it’s the best out there. Good luck. Sincerely, -Beth

Dear Kytka, I just received the kind card you sent to us in Australia after sending the membership money- make sure you don’t spend all your hard earned cash on cards! I have noticed all the splendid new pages on your site which must be helping you make some money from your work. I hope it’s all going well for you because your efforts deserve to be rewarded. Anyway, it was nice to have such a personal thank-you in response to what is normally such an impersonal medium. Off now to do some more roving. Best wishes -Melanie

Dear Kytka, Hello. I wanted to thank you very much for your wonderful website. My daughter is 2and a half and we attend a parent toddler program once a week at a Waldorf school in Santa Barbara, California. My daughter likes it very much, but the concept of peer pressure is just starting, at least that is my observation. Before she was born, I always wanted to home school, but I don’t have much support. But after finding your website, I feel that with your website, it would be possible. I would therefore like to donate every month to your website. Right now I have limited funds, but in a few months I can increase the amount. I would like to donate $10 a month, so what would be the best way, through your website? Also can we donate a doll or craft that we make for your website to sell? I would really like to help in this way at times. I love making dolls, gnomes and most favorite, felted things. Thank you again. Love, -Kandarpa

Dear Kytka, I am currently obtaining my Masters in Education while getting Waldorf certified through WISC in California. Unfortunately, I am struggling doing both at the same time. I may have to suspend my Waldorf training until I finish my Master degree. I have a 15-month old son who I would like to have in a Waldorf setting but the Waldorf schools in my area don’t start until ages 3 and up. Is it possible to do a homeschool program for pre-K for my son and other young children in my neighborhood without being Waldorf “trained”. I know that the directors of WISC believe that the training is essential, and the “method” is just one part of the Waldorf belief system. I was also told that the homeschool program does not adhere to the Waldorf program. What are your thoughts? By the way, I love you website and I intend to become a member to support the wonderful work you are doing. Your website is a treasure chest of information for anyone interested in high quality educational material and advice. I look forward to hearing from you! -Debbie

Kytka, WOW!!!!! Your site is incredible. I am really impressed and grateful for access to such an abundance of information. I will continue to review your pages and I would love to prepare to make a donation to your cause… but please, you have several wonderful projects in the works, which is the best, or most needed, place to begin my donations? I am going to purchase your raw video as well as your sons book. (It is so amazing that he has been able to, not only experience what he has, but then also been able to write and publish a book about it!!!) Then I will be making a donation. It wont be much, but maybe I will be able to several more frequent. I hope that will help balance out some of your costs and expenses. I live in central Indiana. My DH and I have 3 children 11b, 7g, and 6b. We have always homeschooled and I was naturally led to attached parenting/unschooling. I love being with my family more than anything!!!! In 2001 (Feb) we took a journey…we bought a camper and sold our possessions and headed out west. We went to Arizona and traveled much of California. We had an unbelievable time. We met so many interesting people. After the events of 9-11, we found ourselves making choices that were largely based on dh employment. Ultimately we decided to come back to Indiana. We came back in November. We later realized that that was probably not the best choice, but that is what is, soooooo. As you know from having spent so much time in California, there is a great amount of culture. Central Indiana doesn’t really posses much. I am really struggling for my needs as well as the needs of my children to find desirable/alternative exposure. Would you have any suggestions for this? Even eating a vegetarian diet (working towards raw, by the way) is an un-excepted practice in this area. Look, I know you are incredible busy. I don’t want to take up too much of your time, however, I do have a couple more questions that I would love to hear your take on, but I am not sure if this is desirable to you. Thanks so much for your inspiration. (At least I have a great Internet world, huh?!!!) Gratefully, -Julie

Kytka, Thank you so much for adding the four books to your site and providing a link to Whole Spirit Press. I appreciate your promptness and help in getting the word out that these books are available. I will add a link to your site on my links page today. You provide incredible information to not only Waldorf homeschoolers but to anyone looking for quality material to further compliment what the Waldorf schools are doing. It’s always nice to see the great contributions and creativity that entrepreneurs provide. I had never met so many creative people until my family became exposed to the Waldorf and homeschool community. Keep up the great work! -Cindy

Kytka, I took a quick look at it while I had some free time. Very nice. I absolutely love the images you have there. Friendly, soft and caring. Since you mentioned that you were the webmistress, let me be the first to tell you that you have done a wonderful job with the site and should be proud of your work. I would like to have a link added on the home school resource listing we have here at ComplxMinds. I wish you the best of luck. ~Anthony Kuhn, Chairman and Founder, ComplxMinds, Where Great Minds Come to Converse.

Dear Webmaster,I would like to congratulate you on your recent approval for the ComplxMinds Award. I wish you the best of luck with your graphic / artistic endeavors.

(X) The website has demonstrated the concept of personal advancement by providing links or influences of literature or higher education. These areas would include links to colleges, correspondence, or informative websites. Other areas disclosed should include their own philosophies, literature or poetry

(X) The website has demonstrated expertise in basic web design mastery by representation, thus providing eye-catching content. This is determined by the webmaster displaying easy to use navigational tools, overall content of the website, and the purpose of the site is easily recognized.

(X) The website has included exceptional graphics, artistry or literary pieces such as poetry or personal works of biographies and books/novels written by the author and/or software for others to enjoy so that they may create and display their own style of works.

Anthony Kuhn

Founder and CEO

ComplxMinds, Where Great Minds Come to Converse

visit us at http://www.complxmind.com

Hi Kytka, I just wanted to tell you how proud I feel for you and what you are achieving.


Search & Unite attempt to help locate people who, despite the passage of so many years since World War II, may still exist “out there”. We also assist in the process of re-possession of property in the Czech Republic. See our Web page at http://remember.org/unite/

Kytka, I just love your site and I find myself referring to it again and again. I hope you don’t mind but I keep posting links to other lists. It’s just the best resource for so many things, it’s unbelievable! Thanks and Peace, Care

Kytka, First I want to thank you so very much for all the work that has gone into this extra-ordinary website. Everyday since I logged on, which has been a couple of weeks now, I feel so extremely blessed. I think it has actually changed me, in that I now know I can do this “Waldorf Homeschooling” thing, no problem (well, with a lot of help from this website). What you have done here is incredible and I am so grateful? Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so dedicated, committed and passionate to this kind of education, it surely shows. Secondly, thank you for being patient and allowing me to peruse your site, getting a good feel for what it is all about, before signing up. I have now paid my membership and feel much at ease as I logged on tonight. I couldn’t go another day logging on and not honoring you for your talent and dedication. I don’t have much money to give, but believe that without access to this site and all the wisdom here it could be detrimental to my homeschooling success, so it is money well spent. I have three children of my own with a coaching business on the side which is a lot, I can only imagine how much this must take from you to keep this up. It looks like you are having a lot of trouble getting people to pay their membership dues. I am sorry to hear that, I hope that changes soon for you and us. I know for myself sometimes it feels like I am scraping along to keep my priorities and values in check, I know I am not alone. I am not sure how I might be able to help in that. I sure don’t want to see this go away. I decided last week that I am going to start a “Waldorf Homeschooling” type operation in my home. I am going to open with children ranging from 4 to 8 years of age, maybe 5 to 8 children besides my own and school them 3 days a week, maybe Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After finding your site I have no doubt this will be a win for everyone. As I ramp up I want you to know I plan to raise my membership status, I know that it isn’t much, but it is more and I know it makes a difference. I will be purchasing curriculum in the near future and wondered if you get any kick backs if I order a particular way and/or suggestions to save on costs when doing so. Maybe I don’t need to buy “curriculum” for each child? Any thoughts on that? If you would like to respond great, if not that is fine too. Your website has so much to offer and I certainly don’t expect you to respond back personally to my emails unless it is truly your desire. I really sent this email to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. By the way, I am sharing my heart out about your website and Waldorf Homeschooling, I love them both and am so excited for everyday. Thank you, Love and peace, Deborah

Thank you for this amazing site! I have already found such valuable information. I will most definitely buy a Guardian Membership starting in May. I visit your site almost daily and I am inspired! ~Kate

I have great respect for the strength you have to be who you are and live the way you live, and I’m sure I’ve gotten more support and inspiration from your website than you’ve gotten from my small contribution! ~Babette

I am happy with this tremendously wonderful website. What a wealth of information and inspiration! I have ordered curricula from Spiritual Syllabus and we are really looking forward to these books. I am a retired RN. At age 42 I gave birth to my second child, the first was then 23. Seeing the condition of the masses, I decided while I was pregnant to homeschool this precious bundle. When he turned 4, I lessened my work week to 3 days per week, then two… When my son turned 6, I retired completely and became a joyful fulltime homebody. We live in the forest where life truly is natural. The nature of our area is quite diverse. While it is a forest here is also a bog, a marsh, the sand dunes and lovely Lake Michigan, a wonderful setting for living and learning. We have used Catholic curricula and my son has advanced. However, I was incorporating so many other lessons and activities that I now see were Waldorfian in nature, that we are almost to the point of being overwhelmed. And that is counterproductive to the mission. You can see how happy, happy, happy we are to have found you and this wonderful website you have put together so beautifully. Spending time reading from the website is no less than a most gratifying journey. This summer and our next school year will be such a wonderful experience. Thank you, Kytka. Within the next couple of months I will send a donation to you. Love to you, Lynda

I want to commend you on an elegant site – very classy and tasteful – well laid out – loads quickly for the rich content – well organized and easily navigable. I like the particular shade of grey you used for the background – it makes the pictures – also very technically and artfully done – stand out very vibrantly. In other words, nice going, Kytka! ~ Michael Walls musician/web designer/photographer

What a beautiful website! My daughter has just turned 6 and has been in Waldorf education for four of those years……blessed be. I will refer your site to our fellow “Waldorfians” I call our community, and also to customers of my store. I do not have time to look at it in detail today, came across it in research for wooden toys. I will save it in “favorites” and refer to it, just wanted to send compliments and support. I will do what I can to help you along. Peace and joy to you, Jodi, Vancouver, WA

Hello, I just visited your website and was so impressed! I would like to extend an invitation to visit ours: www.childrenofthenewearth.com Your comments would be appreciated as I think that our organizations share some common goals. Advertising in CNE magazine is by invitation only, as we are content intensive versus advertising. Please let me know if you are interested in being involved in our summer issue. Best regards, Jeanette Elmore, Advertising Manager

I offer a Waldorf-inspired child care in Northern Idaho. I just wanted thank you for your informative web site. It’s been a great resource for me and a gift to my children. Warmly, Olivia

Dear Kytka, I’m just beginning to learn about Waldorf Schooling and I am excited that I’ve embarked upon your web site. Thanks! Sherry

Dear Kytka, I was on the WE_HS list years ago when you were, and had ordered from Hedgehog Farms – and I just recently found your beautiful WISH site and am so impressed! I could spend many days exploring it and enjoying it. I would like to subscribe to your community and support the lovely work you are doing at your site. I don’t know what your policy is about helping promote Waldorf Homeschooling workshops – but here is some information about one that is being held at my house in August. I’m in the Orlando area. I have a friend who has been to Barbara’s workshops before, and has hired her in the past to help her design a home schooling plan for her son. She recommends Barbara very highly. If you are willing to pass this information on to the WISH list, I would be grateful! I hope you are having a nice summer! warmly, Lyn (See the info at our conferences page!)

Hi, Kytka. You’re a dynamo. Thank you for the Waldorf site. It’s loaded. Blessings be, Jocelyn

Hi. I really enjoy your website. I just wanted to let you know that I have put a link to your site on mine. Happy Learning! Ginger Carlson, Educational Consultant HomeAcademy ~ Your Homeschooling Resource www.homeacademy.com

Hi Kytka I came across your wonderful website on raising children and am very inspired by it. Thank you! In love & light, Tracey www.handmaidenrosaries.com

Hello Kytka, I have started to browse your archives. I so much appreciate your information! I am overwhelmed (in a good way!) by the vast amount of information available. Thank you! Smiles!!! Michelle

Dear Kytka Thank you for sending me a beautiful welcoming letter. I am so inspired with your website. I am a Mom at home with my 2 year old and I would like to help you – things are a little tight financially so I can only give what I have in my purse if that’s OK. I love sewing and would like to make waldorf dolls – I made a little doll for my daughter’s 2nd birthday rather than buy her something and I make her clothes and mine. What suggestions do you have for starting something like this from Vancouver here in Canada. Where would I start? I’m guessing a good waldorf doll book eh? I would also enjoy putting together quality wooden toys. We have a waldorf school up here but they never returned any of my calls which was a little disheartening. I’m currently reading Rahima Baldwin’s book “You are your Child’s first Teacher” and am thoroughly enjoying it. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you – know how busy you must be. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I’m also thrilled you’re a raw family too. We are just embarking on that journey and I’m finding my daughter not too thrilled about all things raw – she’s still nursing. She likes fruits and and orange pepper (which she insists is an apple!). I wish I could start a support group up here for Waldorf Preschooler parents who want to Homeschool. I’m sure there must be one around but I don’t seem to have found them yet. It would be fantastic to have something with a group of people sewing and building things from their hearts. What a wonderful community it would be. Love and Blessings… Crystal

Hi Kytka, Hope you and your family are well. Are finances better? I know your struggle with money. It would be great if motherwork was valued for as much as it’s worth. My husband and I struggle also. We have a 3-yr-old son and are trying to have more children. When we get back from vacation, I’ll be signing up to give at least $5/month. We seem to be able to find the money for what we need, so you deserve to get the money you need for the wonderful work you do. Please don’t give up! Is there anything else you need (like a book you been wanting or something else I could donate)? I’m starting a handwork group here in Asheville, NC in Aug thanks to a lot of your info. I’m also beginning a home business making felt items and Waldorf-inspired too. How much would it cost to advertise with you? Also, I’m going to mention your site to everyone I know (I’ve already told several). I’m a SAHM too except for one day a week; I’m a breastfeeding peer counselor at our local health dept, where I help other low-income mothers. I’m also training to be a postpartum doula and herbalist. Where in FL are you? I was born and raised in Stuart near Palm Beach. E-mail back with address and phone, if you want. Blessed Be, Jennifer

I am so glad I found you. It was a relief and it answered my question of whether I should home school or not. Thank You, Fiona

Hi Kytka! How wonderful to see your website about Waldorf Home School. And I’m thrilled that you made a link to my Green Snake adaptation. I’m living in Nashville, TN now, but soon I am leaving for California because I will be teaching math and physics in the Highland Hall High School. I would love to hear from you. It’s been about 4 years and last time we communicated you were going through some horrendous karma with your house, etc. I knew you would pull through and prevail and so you did. If you find the time, please contact me! All my best to you and your family. Tom

Kytka :) You are truly a gifted writer and profound communicator. Just wanted to acknowledge how your communications resonate within me when granted the opportunity to read. Thank you for the light you share. Therese

Dear Kytka: I am new to the Waldorf perspective, but it is very interesting to me on several levels. Our family has used a little bit of everything in educating our older two, but I now have a four year old that I don’t want to send to public school and private religious school is financially out of the question right now. Thank you for your assistance in wading through the multitude of questions a parent faces in the weighty matter of being their child’s first and primary teacher. Again, thanks for your help. Sincerely, Sumiyeh

We are a powerful group, we buck the system, our families at times, effortlessly carrying the flame for our babies. You are part of our babies flame. You will be carried. Celebrate Martinmas with your babies tonight, assure them that the Spirit of St. Martin is coming, they will feel his compassion. Rest your mind, your body, your soul, and hold your babies tonight and tell them that this hardship is over. They endured enough, Mommy has fought hard, and now the fighting is over. Serenity will fill your heavy heart and manifest into feeling the love that the Universe will now provide.” WOW! What a post! Preach it sister! I have donated as well. This website is the foundation on which I will begin homeschooling my daughter when she is old enough. It is invaluable!!! In the spirit of St Martin – you are in our prayers!!! Brightest Blessings! – Kristin

I can only speak for what I have know in that past, I believe that Kytka isn’t looking for family support, she is looking for the site to be supported. All these years that has come from her family budget, she is looking to be able to put some of that back, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for her to wish to have the server fees and her dial up fees covered if she is continually working on the site. Her grants and non-profit status are independent of the site, something that many who are new within the last 6 months likely don’t know. Simple Sense is the non-profit mission that she runs, it governs the site, but isn’t only the site, if that makes sense. Her mission to be where she is in Costa Rica is to further Waldorf education around the world, read more about it http://www.simplesense.org/main.htm . Her wish in asking for every one who uses the site a donation is to support what she does here, with the site. Perhaps a renewed sense of what the mission is would help, especially the new members. At this point though, I fear she feels alone and helpless. A bit of goodwill for the one we have taken from is certainly warranted. Blessings to all. Melisa

As a new person to this list and to Waldorf ideas, I must say a huge thank you to Kytka for all the work that went into the site. What inspiration, encouragement and huge “book” of info. I could never have afforded all the books that I would have had to buy to get this much info, but membership… doable!! Thank you and may this journey take your family to a higher and better place in life (and soon!!), Tracey

I love your site and am in the process of trying to work out how to pay you from Australia. I would be really sad to see this site disappear. I have only recently found it. It’s a real gem ! Liz

Dear Kytka, Hope this card and it’s contents find you eventually! Know that the work you do is GOOD WORK, VALUABLE WORK (start charging for it!) and may you have the strength to keep it up! Love and Light, XXX Paula

Hello Kytka, I have never homeschooled my 2 teenage sons, but after seeing your website I finally found the inspiration to take my 14 year old out of the public school and give him the education I always imagined. I am hoping to start at grade one and go through all the material, with the help of your website. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not go away now!!!!! I am a learner and teacher of anthroposophical material so you can imagine how important this is to me to have this opportunity. Please keep up the good work and know how grateful I am to you. I so look forward to all the treasures waiting to be discovered. Respectfully yours, Nancy

I love your site and will be telling everyone I know and sending financial support as I am able. I’m a full-time mom (2 1/2 yr old and 1 yr old) and feel very much in need of a life-coaching session! Need to know how much it costs, though. Staying home is very rewarding in every way save the financial! So, please let me know what your rates are. Thank you very much for the work you are doing. It is a very significant contribution toward the rebirth(birth?) of our civilization/species. Most sincerely, Areatha

Wow Kytka, thanks for writing back! I know you are very busy and involved in all kinds of wonderful projects. Thank you for Waldorf Homeschoolers. Thank you for being conscious. Thank you for being a peaceful warrior! I share your site with everyone I know and meet. I find inspiration in your writing when I journey through this life defending children, mothers, families, the Earth – and Rudolf! Much love and respect. Kalavati