Archive for 'Spirituality'

Michaelmas: Steiner’s Thoughts on The Spiritual World

Michaelmas: Steiner’s Thoughts on The Spiritual World

THE MICHAEL INSPIRATION Spiritual Milestones in the Course of the Year What I have to say to you to-day will be expressed in the form of pictures drawn from [...]

Thoughts On Ego

Thoughts On Ego

Kytka’s Picks: August, 2002 As a Leo, I used to find myself struggling with issues of ego. I speak out freely, oftentimes straight from the heart without much thought to how people may perceive what I have [...]

Education – A Nation’s Best Defense

Education – A Nation’s Best Defense

Kytka’s Picks: Education – A Nation’s Best Defense, September 13, 2002 Abridged version of a talk given by the Venerable Master Hua on 9/24/90 at UNESCO in Paris, France. Buddhist education is about saving human nature; it [...]

The Nine Intense Experiences

The Nine Intense Experiences

Perhaps you’ve already heard of The Nine Intense Experiences of Super Successful People by success expert Brian Vaszily, because well-known and respected doctors, therapists, business and life coaches and others in the media have been recommending [...]

Gulf Prayer – The Violet Flame

Gulf Prayer – The Violet Flame

Do not allow the fear seep in. The news we are allowed to see is simply “predictive programming” – the self proclaimed rulers of our planet – programming our subconscious because they know that our collective [...]