Archive for 'Rhythm Of The Day'

Nourishment for Your Child’s Heart – Help Them to Thrive!

Nourishment for Your Child’s Heart – Help Them to Thrive!

Even the most fantastic parents can discover new ways to enhance their parenting skills. You are reading this because you ARE a fantastic parent already, wanting to find out more, right? Children THRIVE on a diet [...]

Balance in Your Child’s Life

Balance in Your Child’s Life

Balance… Again it’s the little things that together add up. As a teenager I belonged to a youth group which ran activities in a 4 Square Program: recreation, service, culture and worship. Throughout each month one [...]

Stability in Your Child’s Life

Stability in Your Child’s Life

Stability. It’s all those little things that together add up.. The special way you always say goodnight to her with a last song and kiss Her routines of chores, homework, bath, teeth cleaning at set times [...]

Parent In Tune With Nature

Parent In Tune With Nature

Raise kids who are WITH you, and not fighting AGAINST you. Kids with a deep sense of self worth that frees them to do the right thing. You only get one chance to raise your kids, [...]