Archive for 'Rhythm Of The Day'
Life is Maintenance
What a favor we do for our children when we show them the joy of everyday tasks. Young children love to mimic us in our daily routines. Sharing the rewards of our daily work now will [...]
Homeschoolers Wishing For School
Ask Kytka Archives: August 7, 2000 Q. I homeschool, but I often find myself wishing for a school. How do you handle this? A. When I was involved with the school, we created an Enrichment Program [...]
Discipline In Light of Defiance
Ask Kytka Archives: April 12, 2002 Q. “I need advice on how to handle complete defiance…for example, my 4 yr. old just looks at me and says, “No.” with a grin on his face when I ask [...]
Plant Your Seeds Wisely
I say spend all the time you can with your young ones. I say submerge yourself in their hugs, kisses, laughter, playtimes and smiles. I say WAKE-UP and realize how lucky you are for the little [...]
Rhythm: The Pulse of Life
Did you know children spend most of the first seven years of life unconscious, working on establishing internal rhythms and building their physical bodies? Yet most of us have no idea about the natural and inter-dimensional [...]