Archive for 'Parenting'

Parents Worthy of Modeling: The Children Are Watching

Parents Worthy of Modeling: The Children Are Watching

Ask Kytka Archives: June 22, 2o02 Parents, Your lack of understanding your child’s temperament could be setting him up for a lifetime of illness! Parents should understand and explore their won temperaments in a continued effort [...]

No Shame, No Blame

No Shame, No Blame

Positive Apology A conventional apology is rooted in the apologizer’sfear of unworthiness. Young children, who *know* their inherent worthiness, rarely apologize except under duress or when emulating adults. A “positive apology” is possible, however. The *thoughts* [...]

You’ve Been Elected!

You’ve Been Elected!

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know… ….that now that you’ve been elected, it’s time to take office. Are you ready? Are you ready to lead? A leader is not [...]

Well Informed Daughter Gives Mother New Life

Well Informed Daughter Gives Mother New Life

Ask Kytka Archives: August 29, 1999 Kytka and her mother, Anna, have always had a good relationship, but after the birth of Kytka’s first child, they began to slowly drift apart. Kytka became very interested in [...]

Plant Your Seeds Wisely

Plant Your Seeds Wisely

I say spend all the time you can with your young ones. I say submerge yourself in their hugs, kisses, laughter, playtimes and smiles. I say WAKE-UP and realize how lucky you are for the little [...]