Archive for 'Exclusives'
Parents Worthy of Modeling: The Children Are Watching
Ask Kytka Archives: June 22, 2o02 Parents, Your lack of understanding your child’s temperament could be setting him up for a lifetime of illness! Parents should understand and explore their won temperaments in a continued effort [...]
Cultivating Gratitude & Reverence In Children
Cultivate Mindfulness. This page has several verses we used for Blessings and mealtime. But before I share those… some thoughts: Cultivate Mindfulness. See gratitude as a daily practice. In pictures, words and songs, let children express [...]
To Eat Or Not To Eat
Ask Kytka Archives: September 13, 2002 Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, once gave a lecture on the merits of vegetarianism to a small group of people. From the expression on their faces he could see [...]
World Lessons From A 5 Year Old
Ask Kytka Archives, 2002 So most of you know I am the anti-TV mom… But I wanted to confess – we watched TV this morning! Actually, we watched about 45 minutes of a DVD I have. [...]
Ask Kytka Archives: July 29, 2000 Do you know of any Waldorf resources geared towards Menstruation? “When I’m flowing (menstruating), I’m a b***h – particularly to my children? I am wondering if there are any Waldorf [...]