Archive for 'Early Childhood'
A Day In A Waldorf Kindergarten
I teach on a biodynamic farm at The Little Turnip Farm School. Today, as in most days, my day starts with the children outside for an hour. First we go and get firewood from the wood-shed. [...]
Cultivating Gratitude & Reverence In Children
Cultivate Mindfulness. This page has several verses we used for Blessings and mealtime. But before I share those… some thoughts: Cultivate Mindfulness. See gratitude as a daily practice. In pictures, words and songs, let children express [...]
Toddler Preschool
Ask Kytka Archives from July 12, 2002 Q. “Our daughter is 2.5 years, and we decided about a year or so ago that we are going to home school. Is there a “curriculum” of sorts for [...]
I Want My Child’s Room to be More “Waldorf”
Ask Kytka Achives, November 11, 1999 Q. I Want My Child’s Room to be More “Waldorf”. How Have You Come Away from and Dealt with Mainstream Plastic Toys? A. Well, thinking back, I never had them [...]
Waldorf Hand Work Lesson – Fingerknitting a Flower
My dear friend Kristie shows you what to do with 1000 meters of finger-knitting (if you have kids who finger-knit you know what I mean). So enjoy learning to make a finger-crochet flower with Sunii and [...]