Archive for 'Early Childhood'
Waldorf Painting Verses
Ask Kytka Archives: November 11, 2oo1 Q: We are preparing to paint, do you have any painting or color verses or stories? A: Oh yes indeed! Here are some that we have used and please also [...]
Discipline In Light of Defiance
Ask Kytka Archives: April 12, 2002 Q. “I need advice on how to handle complete defiance…for example, my 4 yr. old just looks at me and says, “No.” with a grin on his face when I ask [...]
Why Isn’t My Child Scribbling or Drawing?
Ask Kytka Archives: January 4, 2003 “My daughter is nearly three and while she has scribbled a bit in the past, shows no true interest in it. I’ve tried all types of crayons in all types [...]
Alphabet Letters, Waldorf Style
Ask Kytka Archives: January 1, 2003 Q: How do I introduce the Letters of the Alphabet, Waldorf style? A: “I have come up with images, stories and activities for only about half of the alphabet. Is [...]
First Grade Readiness
Ask Kytka Archives: May 20, 1999 Q. How do I know my child is ready for first grade? A. For those of you who may have children from 5 on upwards who believe that “My child [...]