Archive for 'Early Childhood'
As the days grow shorter and the year begins its descent towards winter, all of nature’s creatures begin to prepare for the leaner times ahead. Nature Tables are lovely this time of year with all of [...]
Halloween Painting Story
Enjoy the story and the numerous reference links I have included in the end… I’ve done this with my daughters for the last two years. Although it’s recommended for Grade 1 or 2, my four year [...]
Autumn Verses
Ask Kytka Archives: June 12, 2002 Q: Do you have any verses for Autumn? A: I sure do! Here are a few of our favorite verses and even an Autumn story! Enjoy! Autumn wind came stealing [...]
The Sugar Sprite
Halloween is just around the corner and it’s best to avoid the sugary sweets which are always a part of “modernized Halloween”. At our house, we tell this story and exchange our sweets for much better [...]
The Little Hobgoblin: A Halloween Story
Ask Kytka Archives: March 2, 1999 Once there was a little hobgoblin who lived deep in the woods, in a little rocky dell. He was a very naughty little hobgoblin, for his favorite pastime was to [...]