Archive for 'Book Reviews'

Drawing and Painting in Rudolf Steiner Schools

Drawing and Painting in Rudolf Steiner Schools

Kytka Recommends: Drawing and Painting in Rudolf Steiner Schools July 1, 2002 For advanced users and people interested in curriculum for older children, and people who are looking for information on the Waldorf method of painting, [...]

Reiki For Children Best Seller

Reiki For Children Best Seller

All morning I have been watching the count down… It began at #15, then #9, then #7 and now we just jumped to #6 in category BEST SELLER at Amazon! This book is a complete resource [...]

Teaching Children to Count Their Blessings – Free Book

Teaching Children to Count Their Blessings – Free Book

Good Morning, Isn’t life grand when you awaken and begin to focus on all you are grateful for? Yes… it is. The Law of Attraction states that it is not only thoughts but EMOTIONS which change [...]

I Love You More – Say It

I Love You More – Say It

Too often love is assumed and not spoken…. Experience the bestseller that has sparked the conversation of love around the world! I love you brighter than the brightest star ever shone. I love you more, so [...]

Mayans, Shamanism and the Blessing of Gratitude for My Son

Mayans, Shamanism and the Blessing of Gratitude for My Son

My son is a Mayan Shaman. It is curious the word “Maya” also means “illusion.” The Mayans were masters of the calendar, and some scientists now consider time itself is really an illusion. My son reminds [...]